Code of Conduct of the company Lars Walch GmbH & Co.
-Waste management, for a sustainable future

  1. Introduction/ Preamble

This Code of Conduct serves as a guideline and basis for our actions and activities, and reflects the values and principles of our company to which we are committed.
We are committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate governance.
We expect our employees as well as our suppliers and business partners to comply with our ecological, social and ethical principles.

The following regulations form the basis for future cooperation between the contractual partners, for a joint code of conduct.
The contractual partners undertake to fulfill the principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct and to support each other in complying with them.

This agreement shall enter into force upon signature. A breach of this Code of Conduct may ultimately be a reason and cause for terminating the business relationship, including all associated supply contracts.
In the event of internal violations, this behavior may result in the termination of the employment relationship.

The Code of Conduct is based on national laws and regulations such as the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG), to which we are bound, as well as international conventions such as the UN Civil Pact and the UN Social Pact, the Guidelines on the Rights of the Child and Business Conduct, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Standards of International Labor.

  1. Requirements for employees and suppliers

2.1. Social responsibility and compliance with laws, rules and regulations

The business partners undertake to comply with all applicable national and international laws, rules and regulations and to take appropriate measures to ensure compliance with them.

The exclusion of forced labor, slavery, child labor, and human trafficking

Business partners will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations prohibiting forced labor, slavery, child labor and human trafficking.

No forced labor, slave labor or comparable work may be used. All work must be voluntary and without threat of punishment.
In addition, there must be no unacceptable treatment of workers, such as psychological hardship, sexual harassment and humiliation.
Child labor may not be used at any stage of production.
Business partners are requested to comply with the recommendation from the ILO conventions on the minimum age for the employment of children.

Prohibition of discrimination

Unequal treatment of employees in any form is not permitted. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, national, ethnic or social origin, skin color, disability, health status, political conviction, ideology, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual are respected.

Health and safety in the workplace

The necessary precautionary measures against accidents and damage to health are taken by setting up and applying suitable occupational safety systems.

Personal protective equipment is provided. In addition, employees are regularly informed and trained on applicable health and safety measures and standards.

2.2 Ecological responsibility

The business partners comply with the applicable environmental protection laws and regulations and are committed to conserving resources and protecting the environment to the greatest possible extent.

It is very important to us to continuously improve our work processes and always adapt them to the latest environmental standards.

We strive to always use the best available technology to ensure the best possible results from our work processes and for the recovery of recyclable materials. We are committed to driving forward technical innovations in this direction.

The contracting parties shall observe the bans on the export of hazardous waste in accordance with the Basel Convention in its current version. Materials or chemicals that pose a risk to the environment when released must be handled in such a way that safety is ensured when handling, transporting, storing, using, recycling or reusing and disposing of these substances.

The use and consumption of resources, including water and energy, must be avoided or reduced as far as possible.

2.3 Ethical business conduct

Compliance with antitrust laws, combating corruption, prevention of money laundering

The business partners undertake to ensure that all business practices are compatible with applicable antitrust and competition law.

The highest standards of integrity must be applied to all business activities. Business partners must have a zero-tolerance policy on the prohibition of all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. Procedures for monitoring and enforcing standards shall be implemented to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws.

Compliance with all applicable laws to prevent money laundering must be observed.

Confidentiality and data protection

The business partners undertake to meet the reasonable expectations of clients, suppliers, customers and employees with regard to the protection of private information. The business partners must comply with the laws on data protection and information security and the official regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and passing on personal information.

Dealing with conflict materials

The business partners are aware of the applicable legal provisions for the conflict minerals tin, tungsten, tantalum, cobalt and gold from conflict and high-risk areas, and comply with the due diligence obligation to promote responsible supply chains in accordance with the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines.

3 Implementation of and compliance with the Code of Conduct

We consider the provisions of this Code of Conduct to be the basis for the business relationship between the contractual partners. Compliance with the provisions set forth herein is considered essential and indispensable, this is recognized by the business partner and is deemed to be agreed upon signature.

If the business partner is found to be in material breach of the provisions of this Code of Conduct, we reserve the right to terminate the business relationship, subject to applicable laws, and to terminate all contracts. The statutory right to extraordinary termination without setting a grace period, in particular in the event of very serious breaches, remains unaffected, as does the right to compensation.